First Full Day In Israel!!

Hey Everyone!

What an incredible and action packed first full day in Israel.  The group managed to arrive on time for breakfast which meant we got to do all of the events on our ambitious itinerary.  Breakfast was large and full of variety—from cheese bourekas and pasta alfredo, to omelets and cereal.   After a two hour ride (some slept, others listened to music and socialized), we arrived at Kfar Nokdim, the Beduin tent where we held our opening ceremony (with more getting to know you games and grape juice with Shehechayanu), learned about Bedouin life and the very personal story of a Bedouin woman who completed college and sent one of her 10 children to medical school in Germany!).  The camels were a big hit, rivaled only by the meat lunch served communally at low tables and cushions.
After a 20-minute ride through the desert, we were ready for our ascent up Masada’s Roman Ramp.  Some speedsters made it in 20 minutes and all were up within 45 minutes and ready to learn the story of Masada.  The nice weather allowed some to wear shorts and all to comfortably explore the mountain top.  The many tourists from all around the world learning about Masada added to our experience.   Some were a little nervous at first about the cable car going down, but all quickly were comfortable and excited and relieved the descent was super quick. 
Again, the group understood the importance of moving swiftly and efficiently as we changed in to bathing suits for a dip in the Dead Sea. Many brave souls went all the way in and formed a line of hand holders and floaters.  Other brave souls went in and remained standing.  Some even put mud on themselves.  All were pleased to shower and get back on the bus for our trip back to Yearim where a hug feast with even more entrée and side dishes and soup and salad and dessert choices greeted us. 
The concluded with more bonding and getting to know activities, like interviewing a new friend and introducing them to the group.    People wound down in various ways with most choosing to return to rooms to shower and go to sleep.  Tomorrow is Tel Aviv!  Hard to believe we are only about to start our 2nd full day.  The group is really bonding and doing a great job!

Lilah Tov!


  1. What an incredibly full, memorable day! Camels, Dead Sea, Masada.....So happy you're getting the opportunity for this once in a life time experience! Go Birthright! Go Shorashim!


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